Lite: Shipping…

Just in short, we are shipping them 😉

Once it is online(around next Monday), please trace it at bottom of by your email.

PoE Version Ready

Finally find the problem, it is simple and stupid, I place an electrolytic capacitor at wrong direction… 🙂

Continue do more test…Hopefully tomorrow I will get good result.

PS: we contacted the factory about the lite version, sadly, they find the sample is not work, reason is simple,  crystal and a capacitor are short circuit, have to delay two days.

VoCore2: Process..

Good news is VoCore2 Lite batch almost done 🙂 The factory will start test them tomorrow,  and we can ship all of them in this month.

Bad news is I get a lot of trouble when develop the PoE version… The heat, the strong EMC all solved but still something wrong.. Just feel like back to the noob time. :'(

I know, you know, everybody knows, as a developer,  we always have couple of days every month — everywhere is a dead end…

Hope this pass soooon…

This is also why I love this job.

can not write anymore…work, work 🙂

VoCore2 Firmware: Compile from Source

How stupid I am… I could do this months ago. Just remove the folder named bin, staging_dir, build_dir, dl, then compress, the source code is small enough to download.


1. install Ubuntu 14.04 64bit Server to Virtual Machine.

2. in virtualbox, we will need install some packages to compile openwrt:

sudo apt-get install gcc g++ binutils patch bzip2 flex bison make autoconf gettext texinfo unzip sharutils subversion libncurses5-dev ncurses-term zlib1g-dev libssl-dev python

3. download openwrt at

4. call “tar -jxvf openwrt.tar.bz2” to uncompress the package.

5. call “make menuconfig” in the openwrt folder, configure openwrt in menu, choose MT7688/28/VoCore2 in menu.

6. call “make” in the openwrt folder, start the make process


PS: recently I have no word about the lame post carrier…

VoCore2: EAGLE version PCB

Now, we convert the raw PCB file to EAGLE. I guess this should help a lot of people who are using EAGLE 🙂

Source could download here:, in the zip file name is vocore-eagle.pcb.


VoCore2: Convert into NAS

It is very simple to make SD card or a hard disk into Network Attached Storage.

Here is mine: I use it as a tiny git server to storage code, save some money to rent the private cloud on github 🙂

1. insert your microsd card(or USB disk) to VoCore2


once you insert the card or disk, you will find it mounted in /mnt.

Screen Shot 2016-12-02 at 09.24.02
mmcblk0p2 is for the SD card, sda2 is for USB disk.

2. setup ap+sta: read this blog
Or read the tutorial on not forget setup /etc/config/firewall). If you do not use wireless connect to your local network, ignore this step.

3. enable samba on VoCore2(latest firmware already have samba, please download at

Or call “opkg update; opkg install luci-app-samba”

Screen Shot 2016-12-02 at 09.23.04

Screen Shot 2016-12-02 at 09.24.37
Fill the path and any name you want, enable guest will allow everybody in your network view the share folder, be careful.
Note: do not forget click “Save & Apply”.

4. Now you can find your NAS every where 🙂

On Mac or PC:
Screen Shot 2016-12-02 at 09.57.37

note1: you might need to setup your VoCore2 local ip. mine is
uci set samba.@samba[0].interface=’ lo br-lan’
uci commit samba
/etc/init.d/samba restart

note2: you might need to setup your VoCore2 firewall.

On Phone:

VoCore2: AP + STA

It is not same as VoCore v1.


Just run this script every time you start VoCore2, you will able to make it into AP + STA mode.

If you do not run this script, it will go to AP mode.

uci set wireless.sta.ssid=[HOME AP SSID]
uci set wireless.sta.key=[AP PASSWORD]
uci set
uci set wireless.sta.disabled=0
uci commit
/etc/init.d/network restart
sleep 10
uci set wireless.sta.disabled=1
uci commit

This is not the best solution.
So I just remember one day Vernon Van Steenkist send me one script for VoCore.

# Fix loss of AP when STA (Client) mode fails by reverting to default
# AP only configuration. Default AP configuration is assumed to be in
# /etc/config/wireless.ap-only



while [ $(iwinfo | grep -c “ESSID: unknown”) -ge 1 ]; do
let sta_err=$sta_err+1
if [ $((sta_err * SLEEP)) -ge $TIMEOUT ]; then
cp /etc/config/wireless.ap-only /etc/config/wireless
wifi up
# uncomment the following lines to try AP+STA after reboot
# sleep 3
# cp /etc/config/wireless.ap+sta /etc/config/wireless

sleep $SLEEP


This code is clever, using iwinfo to check if the STA is in normal state.
If after 30 seconds we still can not get into STA mode, we back to AP mode.
This works for VoCore.

For VoCore2, it is slightly different. If we failed to connect to STA, it will not block AP mode.

We can do this to setup your home AP one time:

uci set wireless.sta.ssid=[HOME AP SSID]
uci set wireless.sta.key=[AP PASSWORD]
uci set
uci set wireless.sta.disabled=1
uci commit

then put the following code into /etc/rc.local(run at every startup)

uci set wireless.sta.disabled=0
uci commit
/etc/init.d/network restart
sleep 10
uci set wireless.sta.disabled=1
uci commit

After this, your VoCore2 is able to connect/disconnect STA automatically. Even carry VoCore2 to another position without your home ap, it will still working.

VoCore2: Video Tutorial Plan

1. Control LED
Control the on board purple LED, light/dark.
2. Light Sensor & Temperature Sensor
Read from a light sensor and temperature sensor, get environment parameters from sensor.
3. VPN Router(OpenVPN/Tor)
Create a VPN based on OpenVPN/Tor, secure your network.
4. File Share Server
Create your home file share server.
5. Wireless Camera
Control and monitor thought a camera.
6. Remote Digit Camera Control
Remote control a digit camera, you can capture photo remote.
7. Wireless Printer
Remote control a printer, no more USB wire or ethernet wire.

We already have two video tutorials on youtube(search the magic word “VoCore2”):

1. Setup PPPoE, use VoCore2 as a normal router.
2. Use VoCore2 as an Airplay device to play music.

You will know how powerful VoCore2 is and what a real technical team can do!

Please continue help us share to makers/social media/press, if our indiegogo project could reach 100K USD everybody will get a secret gift. 🙂

PS: really busy recently :”)


VoCore2: FAQ2

Why is it on indiegogo, is it already a production or just a prototype?

I really do not know indiegogo just have 10% success rate 🙂 Many people do not trust it. ( I have contributed to 2 projects and all failed too. T-T ) We put this on indiegogo just want more people know it, we think it is a good way to spread the news.

VoCore is different than others, it finish its beta, first batch then start crowdfunding. We have send the first batch(sample) to our distributors and some media.  And now it is already in mass production, all features works well.

All videos and photos are from real VoCore2 sample, we do not have anybody good at or have time on PhotoShop or other “magic” tools 🙂



How about current production process?

I have to say the yield rate is not high enough. We meet many troubles, but I think we are able to send out every package on time. 🙂 Do not worry, just wait for our good news.

The Ultimate version shell are not ready yet, left a lot of work to do. Hope the factory could make this done in time. If any parts delayed, we will have to wait. 🙁

Note: a very early/ugly shell from factory. 🙂
