Submit patch for OpenWrt on Github

Git is good, but for beginner like me, always feeling no way to give the first bite. I am confused about fork, branch, signed-off-by, push, merge and many other commands, maybe it is pretty clear for the clever boys but not for me. Thanks to adrianschmutzler comment at, I start to understand how it […]

VoCore2: Reset to firstboot by uboot

Currently VoCore2 do not have reset button, so some beginners are hard to reset the firmware once it is bricked by wrong setting… This new patch of uboot is used to solve that, it is much easier than upload firmware from serial port, but maybe still hard for beginner. If you want to have a […]

VoCore2: Develop on Qt Creator

For the people who do not like Java, now we can use Qt creator to make and debug our application remotely instead of Eclipse. First, better to use 20190127.bin or later version as your firmware, after the tutorial, once you connect VoCore2 to internet, it is easy for you to download applications from openwrt. We […]

VoCore2: Hack the Wifi

Now, open the mystery wifi driver package, we will find two folders, one is build, another is src. build folder contains two files, one is Kconfig and another is Makefile. The two are standard Linux kernel compile makefile, Kconfig normally used to embed itself to menuconfig and Makefile is used to tell linux compiler which […]

VoCore2: Beta Open NOW!!

VoCore2 Beta open NOW!!! Thanks to all the VoCore contributors, without you VoCore is just an unknown project. In everyone’s help and support, VoCore grows up and it almost reaches its second version! Couple days ago, we reach our final target: Lower power(< 0.5watt when low data transfer), Max signal output(>19.5dbm peak), Two antennas slots, 30+ […]

VoCore: Package FAQ

There are mainly two type of packages: 1. VoCore, main board version a) 4x4p female connectors. b) 4x7p female connectors. c) USB convert to TTL, driver PL2302. 2. VoCore + Dock a) 1x4p female connectors. b) 3x7p female connectors. c) USB convert to TTL, driver PL2302. What are those addition female connectors used to do? […]