VoCore meet Edison in Beijing Maker Space

Yesterday I have been to Beijing Make(r) Space, find Edison there πŸ™‚

Here is some photo compare VoCore with Edison.


VoCore is much smaller πŸ™‚


This bottom interface is rather not that friendly to hobbyist, if I only have the $50 Edison, I can not use it at all. That slot is hard to buy from everywhere, lol, compare to that, seems VoCore’s 1.27mm connectors are much easy to get. πŸ™‚ That is not the point, at least, I can solder wire to the 1.27mm holes, but I have no idea how to use Edison without its $79(?) breakout board.

Emm, I am a little disappoint. Last year, I was thinking Intel must making some wonderful thing, but the final result is just so so.

VoCore: Check Hardware

Here is some experience, I use them to locate where the VoCore broken, if you have a power supply show VoCore current, this might help.

1. input 5V, current first 0.12A then go 0.15A then 0.25A … your VoCore is normal to boot. When it is in uboot, the current consume is 0.12A~0.14A, and once it into linux, the current is about 0.15A, when wifi prepare to start, the current rise to 0.25A~0.30A(note, the power mush stable or it will reboot at this point), then the current will stable at 0.18A~0.19A if you do not transfer much data through wifi.

2. input 5V, current keep 0.12A~0.14A, can not boot … there is high chance flash is damaged. flash current consume is about 0.03~0.05A average.

3. input 5V, current keep 0.06~0.12A, can not boot … this might be memory problem.

4. input 5V, current is about 0.01A ~ 0.05A, can not boot … this should be RT5350 problem, might be BGA part is not well connect to pad. This always happened if you iron temperature is too high and the weight of the chip will make some BGA balls drop from pads. This should be rare to happen, but from my test, almost every time I use high temperature iron will cause such problem.

5. input 5V, current > 0.5A, I think your power supply is short connected somewhere.

6. input 5V, current = 0A, of course, the power is not connected, or chip is totally destroyed.

VoCore: Solder or NOT?

The package of VoCore contains some female connectors, if solder that on the pin holes, you can plug wire into it, so make the VoCore pin holes life longer.

But due to most of people do not have such skill to solder that 1.27mm connector: it request a fast/stable hand and a low temperature iron(better <= 200C). Wrong operation might damage the board permanently. VoCore is NOT similar like Arduino, it is much more complex and precise than Arduino, every move must be very careful, even harder than repair a phone. I suggest to boot your VoCore as my two tutorials: http://vonger.cn/?p=1547 http://vonger.cn/?p=1536 I have used that USB DIY wire a long time, it always works well, and will never damage VoCore. The pin hole is Au + Cu, like golden fingers, so it should not that easy be oxidised.

VoCore: No LuCI 2

Looks like goahead is not a good choice to replace LuCI.
It uses too much space(850KB), maybe memory cost is low, but flash cost is not acceptable.
Screen Shot 2014-11-09 at 9.48.35 pm (2)

Also it request librt.so and libpthread.so, that is about 100KB addition flash cost.
Screen Shot 2014-11-09 at 10.01.32 pm

I think maybe write a real light weight one is the only choice. We do not need that complex cgi function, we just need a way to transfer data between browser and the server.
Currently vocore.io/store, the trace page is based on a light weight C language web application(I am not good at php, so have to write one in C), it will not be very hard if we just have a simple cgi and do not use https.

VoCore: About Ship Time

Ship will take about 5~40 days. If it takes very long, I suggest to use DHL/UPS/Fedex.
Alpha, average ship time(about 100 packages):

Position         Average Time    Note
Australia 8 days (min 6, max 12)
Austria 10 days No official data.
Belgium 12 days
Brazil 40 days
Bulgaria 14 days
Canada 14 days
Czech Republic 14 days
Denmark 11 days
Finland 14 days
France 10 days
Germany 15 days
Greece 26 days
Hungary 20 days
Israel 22 days
Italy 20 days
Netherlands 10 days
New Zealand 8 days
Norway 17 days
Poland 14 days
Russian Federation 21 days
Spain 36 days
Sweden 30 days
Switzerland 12 days
Taiwan 14 days
Thailand 9 days
Turkey 16 days
United Kingdom 7 days
United States 7 days (min 4, max 14)
Japan 14 days
India 48 days (min 34, max 70)

To US,UK and Asia the speed is acceptable, 90% packages are delivered in one week; To Europe countries, the speed is fair, about two weeks for most of them, but Spain, Greece, Sweden takes very long time… Even worse, to Brazil, it takes over a month, due to there is no air plane from China.ShenZhen to Brazil. Better to use DHL/UPS/Fedex if you want it get you fast.

VoCore: Simple Start Tutorial 2

1. USB wire 
2. VoCore

Step 1:
Cut the USB wire in the middle. We use red and black wires.

Clean up the USB wire.(not necessary).Tape again. :)

Step 2:
Connect VoCore to the wire, and connect USB to computer.

Now it works, then you can find VoCore in your computer AP list.
Rest please read http://vonger.cn/?p=1536.

1. Some computers USB power supply is not stable, that might cause VoCore failed to reboot. MacBook, ThinkPad do not have such issue. From report, some Dell PC might have such issue.
2. Clean up is not necessary, but better to do if you want to use your USB wire in long term. :)

VoCore: Simple Start Tutorial 1


1. VoCore
2. 18650 battery(Li)
3. Two wires

18650 battery voltage should be higher than 3.60V.

Step 1:
Connect the wire to VoCore.

Step 2:
Connect the wire to battery

Step 3:
It works

Step 4:
Wait about 30 second, you will find VoCore in your wifi AP list.
Connect to it.
Screen Shot 2014-11-06 at 10.38.33 pm

Step 5:
ssh root@, password: vocore
Now you are ready to use it.
Screen Shot 2014-11-06 at 10.39.06 pm

1. VoCore need a very stable input power, or it will fail to boot. (I found when the wifi start up, the momentary current is high, about 350mA~400mA, so if the input power do not have such ability to supply, it will reboot)
2. I use tape to make GND touch the battery negative pole, that is not a good idea, just temp solution, better to use a battery holder, and solder wire to it, to make sure it is well connected.

VoCore: Mountain of Packages, moved

This should be the final step of the indiegogo campaign. Just record what is happening from last week.
Not that smoothly as always. πŸ™‚

1. Post office package the packages takes 3 days
I thought that should be all of the shipment, so I make an update on indiegogo.
Just put them into bags, and put the connectors with the items together.

2. Post office tag the packages takes 3 days
We have the trace id, but in fact, the package still in post office.
Every package be weighed, also check the address, pick out the one have special characters.

3. Post office input the trace id into their system takes 2 days.
Finally I get the trace information, the package are shipped.
I have checked some of the package, all have information already, so I just make another update yesterday, that is the trouble comes πŸ™‚ I get tons of email about the trace id still no information(The post office still not make all the package information online) and someone complains vocore.io/store need password to login, also some warm heart emails, really appreciate for that, I can not reply one by one but I have read them all.

Ye, after that, I remember I am sending email to thousands of people…I do not dare to use that update anymore πŸ™‚

(Email should input into the red box, some browsers might not compatible, due to this part I write by C++ for faster speed)
Screen Shot 2014-11-06 at 8.12.32 am

At least VoCore are shipped almost in time(how stupid I am, I thought I can ship them earlier, this is true: it is always hard to do than think)
I also take a look on other indiegogo campaign, do not how much stress they are taking, some of them delayed almost a year…

VoCore: Wifi Toy Car

Just finish the shipping πŸ™‚
Have some time to public my test project.

To make a toy car, we need some materials:

1. a toy car base, include wheels, motors.
2. batteries, they areΒ two cheap 18650(the real cap is 800mA…)
3. a driver board, itΒ is L298N.
4. vocore, of course(do not need dock, but with dock assemble will be easy)
5. some wires.

assembled base:


Rest, you need a computer, better to be a linux system(virtual machine is also good), already install and compiled openwrt, we need its cross compiler.(RT5350 SDK complier is also fine, but that is hard to find. I like openwrt one)

For remote control, you might need an android device or iOS device, I write a simple code based on Qt, just UDP protocol.


L298N have two motors control and one 5V voltage output.
We just connect the 5V to vocore USB power slot(or the 3.5V~6V hole without dock), I cut a usb wire.

Connect L298N control with VoCore GPIOs. Six control ports, so we need six gpios.

ENA-> enable motor A
ENB-> enable motor B
IN1, IN2 -> control motor A
IN3, IN4 -> control motor B

Checking DTS, the dear VoCore have GPIO21~GPIO26, totally 6 GPIOs exported already, so just use them.
IN1-> GPIO23
IN2-> GPIO24
IN3-> GPIO25
IN4-> GPIO26



Better to cover here, or it might short connect.

Now boot VoCore. Push the button πŸ˜‰ It is not necessary if you do not have a switch.

Set all GPIOs to output and all GPIO to 0.
Set Enable A to 1.
Reference: http://vonger.cn/?p=473 Test GPIO


Now there is a stupid video πŸ™‚ I make one wheel run. It drop down from my table but still run in a cycle, look like the VoCore quality is not bad. Just wake up my dog…:D


Tomorrow I will write a simple application on my phone, so it will be enable the remote phone control πŸ™‚

Let’s Talk About Hardware Design

Today I find some interesting, my android test phone: a white XiaoMi4 can not read SIM. I am using it to communicate with VoCore through GSM/3G/4G internet to test Cloud service( will public later πŸ™‚ ), so I change SIM card frequently. Unfortunately, this new phone, after about several times SIM plug in/plug out, it can not read SIM anymore.

This is the XiaoMi phone:

This is my old test phone:

This is iPhone6

Can you find the difference?
iPhone 6 and my old test phone SIM card metal pads are at bottom once installed, but XiaoMi is at top. So if your plug in/plug out some more, once the SIM card is not that flat, it will broken the phone’s SIM pin.

From this small issue, we know, hardware design is an true art. Every detail must consider carefully. Apple is really good at this πŸ™‚ XiaoMi copy the surface, but not the inside…shame.