/* VoWeb: simple, light weight, embedded web server. * * TODO: * put mime in header. * file server. * dynamic load cgi library. * */ #include #include #include typedef unsigned char uchar; typedef unsigned int uint; #define safe_free(p) if(p) { free(p); p = NULL; } /* linear hash, every unit must start with its key. */ #define LINEAR_HASH_NULL ((uint)(-1)) #define linear_hash_key(h, p) (*(uint *)((h)->data + (p) * (h)->unit)) #define linear_hash_value(h, p) ((h)->data + (p) * (h)->unit) #define linear_hash_empty(h, p) (linear_hash_key((h), (p)) == LINEAR_HASH_NULL) #define linear_hash_clear(h, p) {linear_hash_key((h), (p)) = LINEAR_HASH_NULL;} typedef struct _linear_hash { uint unit; // the size for each unit. uint max; // the max allowed unit. uchar data[1]; }linear_hash; linear_hash* linear_hash_alloc(uint unit, uint max) { linear_hash *lh = (linear_hash *)malloc(max * unit + sizeof(linear_hash)); if(lh == NULL) return NULL; lh->unit = unit; lh->max = max; while(max--) linear_hash_clear(lh, max); return lh; } uchar* linear_hash_get(linear_hash *lh, uint key) { uint pos = key % lh->max, i; // match node in the first hit. if(linear_hash_key(lh, pos) == key) return linear_hash_value(lh, pos); // try to hit next node if we miss the first. for(i = pos + 1; ; i++) { if(i >= lh->max) i = 0; if(i == pos) break; if(linear_hash_key(lh, i) == key) return linear_hash_value(lh, i); } return NULL; } uchar* linear_hash_set(linear_hash *lh, uint key) { uint pos = key % lh->max, i; // first hit, this hash node is empty. if(linear_hash_empty(lh, pos)) return linear_hash_value(lh, pos); // try to find another empty node. for(i = pos + 1; ; i++) { if(i >= lh->max) i = 0; if(i == pos) break; if(linear_hash_empty(lh, i)) return linear_hash_value(lh, i); } return NULL; } void linear_hash_remove(linear_hash *lh, uint key) { uchar* d = linear_hash_get(lh, key); if(d == NULL) return; linear_hash_clear(lh, (d - lh->data) / lh->unit); } /* string hash, get data by string, make it faster. */ typedef linear_hash string_hash; #define string_hash_p1(h, p) ((char *)((h->data + p) + sizeof(uchar *))) #define string_hash_p2(h, p) (*((uchar **)(h->data + p))) #define string_hash_empty(h, p) (*string_hash_p1((h), (p)) == '\0') #define string_hash_clear(h, p) {*string_hash_p1((h), (p)) = '\0';} string_hash* string_hash_alloc(uint unit, uint max) { string_hash *sh = (string_hash *)malloc(max * (unit + sizeof(uchar *)) + sizeof(string_hash)); if(sh == NULL) return NULL; memset(sh, 0, max * (unit + sizeof(uchar *)) + sizeof(string_hash)); sh->unit = unit + sizeof(uchar *); sh->max = max; return sh; } uint string_hash_from(char *str) { uint hash = *str; while(*str++) hash = hash * 31 + *str; return hash; } uchar* string_hash_get(string_hash *sh, char *key) { uint pos = (string_hash_from(key) % sh->max) * sh->unit, i; // match node in the first hit. if(strcmp(string_hash_p1(sh, pos), key) == 0) return string_hash_p2(sh, pos); // try to hit next node if we miss the first. for(i = pos + sh->unit;; i += sh->unit) { if(i >= sh->unit * sh->max) i = 0; if(i == pos) break; if(strcmp(string_hash_p1(sh, i), key) == 0) return string_hash_p2(sh, i); } return NULL; } uchar* string_hash_set(string_hash *sh, char *key, uchar *value) { uint pos = (string_hash_from(key) % sh->max) * sh->unit, i; // first hit, this hash node is empty. if(string_hash_empty(sh, pos)) { strcpy(string_hash_p1(sh, pos), key); memcpy(&string_hash_p2(sh, pos), &value, sizeof(uchar *)); return string_hash_p2(sh, pos); } // try to find another empty node. for(i = pos + sh->unit;; i += sh->unit) { if(i >= sh->unit * sh->max) i = 0; if(i == pos) break; if(string_hash_empty(sh, i)) { strcpy(string_hash_p1(sh, i), key); memcpy(&string_hash_p2(sh, i), &value, sizeof(uchar *)); return string_hash_p2(sh, i); } } return NULL; } void string_hash_remove(string_hash *sh, char *key) { uint pos = (string_hash_from(key) % sh->max) * sh->unit, i; // match node in the first hit. if(strcmp(string_hash_p1(sh, pos), key) == 0) { string_hash_clear(sh, pos); return; } // try to hit next node if we miss the first. for(i = pos + sh->unit;; i += sh->unit) { if(i >= sh->unit * sh->max) i = 0; if(i == pos) break; if(strcmp(string_hash_p1(sh, i), key) == 0) { string_hash_clear(sh, i); return; } } } #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define RECVBUF_SIZE 4096 #define SENDBUF_SIZE 4096 #define MESSAGE_SIZE 256 #define BUFFER_COUNT 12 #define FUNCTION_SIZE 32 #define FUNCTION_COUNT 256 #define TIMEOUT 3000 #define HTTP_HEADER_END "\r\n\r\n" #define HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH "Content-Length" #define HTTP_CONNECTION "Connection" #define HTTP_GET "GET" #define HTTP_POST "POST" #define HTTP_CGI_BIN "/cgi-bin/" struct _setting { unsigned short port; char* base; } g_set; typedef struct _socket_data { int sock; // this static buffer is used to store http header. // if post header + body size < RECVBUF_SIZE, all store here. uint used; // received header size. char head[RECVBUF_SIZE]; // if in post mode the receive buffer exceed our head buffer size, // we alloc a buffer for the body. uint size; // max size of the body buffer. uint recv; // received data size. char* body; // point to head + used if head buffer is enough. }socket_data; typedef struct _string_reference { char* ref; uint size; }string_reference; typedef int (*voweb_func)(socket_data *, string_reference *pa); /* check str->size to make sure buffer is enough for the string */ char* string_reference_dup(string_reference *str, char *buf) { if(str == NULL) return ""; memcpy(buf, str->ref, str->size); *(buf + str->size) = '\0'; return buf; } void socketdata_init(socket_data *d) { if(d->body < d->head || d->body >= d->head + RECVBUF_SIZE) safe_free(d->body); memset(d->head, 0, RECVBUF_SIZE); d->recv = 0; d->size = 0; d->used = 0; } void socketdata_remove(linear_hash *socks, int sock) { socket_data *d = (socket_data *)linear_hash_get(socks, sock); close(sock); // check if the body point to head, if so we do not release it. if(d->body < d->head || d->body >= d->head + RECVBUF_SIZE) safe_free(d->body); linear_hash_remove(socks, sock); } uint voweb_content_size(socket_data *d) { char *p; p = strstr(d->head, HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH); if(p == NULL) return 0; p += sizeof(HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH); while((*p < '0' || *p > '9') && *p != '\r' && *p != '\n') p++; return (uint)atoi(p); } uint voweb_connection(socket_data *d) { char *p, *end; uint ret; p = strstr(d->head, HTTP_CONNECTION); if(p == NULL) return 0; p += sizeof(HTTP_CONNECTION); end = strstr(p, "\r\n"); if(end == NULL) return 0; *end = '\0'; ret = strstr(p, "keep-alive") ? 1 : 0; *end = '\r'; return ret; } int voweb_reply_head(char *d, int code, const char *msg) { int size = 0; size += sprintf(d + size, "HTTP/1.1 %d %s\r\n", code, msg); size += sprintf(d + size, "Server: VoCore's Web Server\r\n"); return size; } const char *voweb_code_message(int code) { switch(code) { case 200: return "OK"; case 403: return "Forbidden"; case 404: return "Not Found"; case 405: return "Access Denied"; case 413: return "Request too large"; case 501: return "Not Implemented"; default: return "Unknown"; } } int voweb_error_page(socket_data *d, int code) { char head[MESSAGE_SIZE], body[MESSAGE_SIZE]; const char *msg; int size, total = 0; msg = voweb_code_message(code); size = sprintf(body, "%d %s

%d %s

Sorry, I have " "tried my best... :'(

", code, msg, code, msg); voweb_reply_head(head, code, msg); sprintf(head + strlen(head), "%s: %d\r\n", HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH, size); strcat(head, "\r\n"); size = send(d->sock, head, strlen(head), 0); if(size <= 0) return -1; total += size; size = send(d->sock, body, strlen(body), 0); if(size <= 0) return -1; total += size; return total; } uint voweb_file_size(const char *path) { FILE *fp; uint size; fp = fopen(path, "rb"); if(fp == NULL) return (uint)(-1); fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END); size = (uint)ftell(fp); fclose(fp); return size; } int voweb_default(socket_data *d, string_reference *fn) { char head[MESSAGE_SIZE], body[SENDBUF_SIZE]; char path[MESSAGE_SIZE]; int size, total = 0; FILE *fp; string_reference_dup(fn, head); if(strstr(head, "..")) return voweb_error_page(d, 403); if(strcmp(head, "/") == 0) sprintf(path, "%s/index.html", g_set.base); else sprintf(path, "%s%s", g_set.base, head); size = voweb_file_size(path); if(size == -1) return voweb_error_page(d, 404); voweb_reply_head(head, 200, voweb_code_message(200)); sprintf(head + strlen(head), "%s: %d\r\n", HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH, size); sprintf(head + strlen(head), "%s: %s\r\n", HTTP_CONNECTION, "close"); strcat(head, "\r\n"); size = send(d->sock, head, strlen(head), 0); if(size <= 0) return -1; fp = fopen(path, "rb"); if(fp == NULL) return voweb_error_page(d, 405); while(!feof(fp)) { size = fread(body, 1, SENDBUF_SIZE, fp); if(size <= 0) break; size = send(d->sock, body, size, 0); if(size <= 0) break; total += size; } fclose(fp); return total; } int voweb_function(socket_data *d, string_hash *funcs, string_reference *fn, string_reference *pa) { char buf[MESSAGE_SIZE]; voweb_func func; string_reference_dup(fn, buf); if(strlen(buf) >= FUNCTION_SIZE) return voweb_error_page(d, 403); func = (voweb_func)string_hash_get(funcs, buf); if(func == NULL) return voweb_error_page(d, 404); return func(d, pa); } // return: // 0: get header do not have special request. // 1: get header contains function. // 2: get header contains function and parameters. // < 0: not a valid header. int voweb_decode_get(socket_data *d, string_reference *fn, string_reference *pa) { char *p, *e, *f1, *f2; int ret; p = d->head + sizeof(HTTP_GET); e = strstr(p, "\r\n"); if(e == NULL) return -1; while(*p == ' ' && e != p) p++; if(e == p) return -1; while(*e != ' ' && e != p) e--; if(e == p) return -1; *e = '\0'; f1 = strstr(p, HTTP_CGI_BIN); if(f1 == NULL) { ret = 0; fn->ref = p; fn->size = e - p; } else { f1 += sizeof(HTTP_CGI_BIN) - 1; f2 = strchr(f1, '?'); if(f2 == NULL) { fn->ref = f1; fn->size = e - f1; ret = 1; } else { fn->ref = f1; fn->size = f2 - f1; ret = 2; pa->ref = ++f2; pa->size = e - f2; } } *e = ' '; return ret; } int voweb_decode_post(socket_data *d, string_reference *fn, string_reference *pa) { char *p, *e, *f1; int ret; p = d->head + sizeof(HTTP_POST); e = strstr(p, "\r\n"); if(e == NULL) return -1; while(*p == ' ' && e != p) p++; if(e == p) return -1; while(*e != ' ' && e != p) e--; if(e == p) return -1; *e = '\0'; f1 = strstr(p, HTTP_CGI_BIN); *e = ' '; ret = 0; if(f1 != NULL) { f1 += sizeof(HTTP_CGI_BIN) - 1; fn->ref = f1; fn->size = e - f1; pa->ref = d->body; pa->size = d->recv; ret = 2; } return ret; } // return: // 0: "Connection: close", close and remove socket. // 1: "Connection: keep-alive", wait for next request. int voweb_filter(string_hash *funcs, socket_data *d) { string_reference fn, pa; if(memcmp(d->head, "GET", 3) == 0) { switch(voweb_decode_get(d, &fn, &pa)) { case 0: voweb_default(d, &fn); break; case 1: voweb_function(d, funcs, &fn, NULL); break; case 2: voweb_function(d, funcs, &fn, &pa); break; default: voweb_error_page(d, 404); break; } } else if(memcmp(d->head, "POST", 4) == 0) { switch(voweb_decode_post(d, &fn, &pa)) { case 2: voweb_function(d, funcs, &fn, &pa); break; default: voweb_error_page(d, 404); break; } } else { voweb_error_page(d, 501); } return 0; } // two cgi test function...remove it. int voweb_func_test(socket_data *d, string_reference *pa) { char param[RECVBUF_SIZE]; string_reference_dup(pa, param); return voweb_error_page(d, atoi(param)); } int voweb_func_love(socket_data *d, string_reference *pa) { char param[RECVBUF_SIZE]; char head[MESSAGE_SIZE], body[MESSAGE_SIZE]; int size, total = 0; string_reference_dup(pa, param); size = sprintf(body, "%s

%s, I love you!

", param, param); voweb_reply_head(head, 200, voweb_code_message(200)); sprintf(head + strlen(head), "%s: %d\r\n", HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH, size); strcat(head, "\r\n"); size = send(d->sock, head, strlen(head), 0); if(size <= 0) return -1; total += size; size = send(d->sock, body, strlen(body), 0); if(size <= 0) return -1; total += size; return total; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { string_hash* funcs; linear_hash* socks; int socksrv, sockmax, sock, b = 1; uint i, count, size; char *p; struct sockaddr_in addr; socklen_t len; struct timeval tmv; fd_set fdr; socket_data *d; if(argc != 3) { printf("usage: voweb [port] [home]\n"); return -1; } g_set.port = atoi(argv[1]); g_set.base = argv[2]; // ignore the signal, or it will stop our server once client disconnected. signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); funcs = string_hash_alloc(FUNCTION_SIZE, FUNCTION_COUNT); socks = linear_hash_alloc(sizeof(socket_data), BUFFER_COUNT); // two cgi test function, remove it... string_hash_set(funcs, "test", (uchar *)voweb_func_test); string_hash_set(funcs, "love", (uchar *)voweb_func_love); memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); addr.sin_family = AF_INET; addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; addr.sin_port = htons(g_set.port); len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); socksrv = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); setsockopt(socksrv, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (const char *)&b, sizeof(int)); if(bind(socksrv, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr)) < 0) { printf("can not bind to address, %d.\n", errno); return -1; } if(listen(socksrv, SOMAXCONN) < 0) { printf("can not listen to port, %d.\n", errno); return -1; } // for simple embed server, my choice is select for better compatible. // but for heavy load situation in linux, better to change this to epoll. while(1) { FD_ZERO(&fdr); FD_SET(socksrv, &fdr); // queue the hash and pickout the max socket. sockmax = socksrv; for(i = 0; i < socks->max; i++) { d = (socket_data *)linear_hash_value(socks, i); sockmax = (d->sock > sockmax ? d->sock : sockmax); if(d->sock != (int)LINEAR_HASH_NULL) FD_SET(d->sock, &fdr); } tmv.tv_sec = TIMEOUT / 1000; tmv.tv_usec = TIMEOUT % 1000 * 1000; count = select(sockmax + 1, &fdr, NULL, NULL, &tmv); if(count <= 0) { // clean up all sockets, they are time out. for(i = 0; i < socks->max; i++) { d = (socket_data *)linear_hash_value(socks, i); if(d->sock == (int)LINEAR_HASH_NULL) continue; linear_hash_remove(socks, (uint)d->sock); close(d->sock); } continue; } if(FD_ISSET(socksrv, &fdr)) { count--; memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); sock = accept(socksrv, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, &len); d = (socket_data *)linear_hash_set(socks, (uint)sock); if(d == NULL) { close(sock); // no free buffer. continue; } memset(d, 0, sizeof(socket_data)); d->sock = sock; } for(i = 0; i < socks->max; i++) { if(count <= 0) break; d = (socket_data *)linear_hash_value(socks, i); if((uint)d->sock == LINEAR_HASH_NULL) continue; if(FD_ISSET(d->sock, &fdr)) { count--; if(d->size == 0) { // receive http head data. size = recv(d->sock, d->head + d->used, RECVBUF_SIZE - d->used, 0); if(size <= 0) { socketdata_remove(socks, d->sock); continue; } d->used += size; p = strstr(d->head, HTTP_HEADER_END); if(p == NULL) { if(d->used >= RECVBUF_SIZE) { voweb_error_page(d, 413); socketdata_remove(socks, d->sock); } continue; } p += sizeof(HTTP_HEADER_END) - 1; // now check the content size. d->recv = p - d->head; d->size = voweb_content_size(d); if(d->size == 0) {// no content. if(!voweb_filter(funcs, d)) socketdata_remove(socks, d->sock); continue; } // the head buffer can not contain the body data // we have to alloc memory for it. if(d->size > RECVBUF_SIZE - d->used + d->recv) { d->body = malloc(d->size); memset(d->body, 0, d->size); memcpy(d->body, d->head, d->recv); // now we should goto body data receive process. } } else { // receive http body data. size = recv(d->sock, d->body + d->recv, d->size - d->recv, 0); if(size <= 0) { socketdata_remove(socks, d->sock); continue; } d->recv += size; if(d->recv >= d->size) { if(!voweb_filter(funcs, d)) socketdata_remove(socks, d->sock); continue; } } } } // do some clean up for next loop. } close(socksrv); safe_free(funcs); safe_free(socks); return 0; }