VoCore2: Now We have 4USD Linux Computer

From indiegogo campaign begin, I received a lot of emails, some people said they are very excited and can not wait for it, some people send us special thanks for making it. But also I find some people emailed me, they want it so bad but just can not afford it yet. My target for VoCore is to […]

VoCore2: Process

Almost there 🙂 Just finish DMA driver and I2S driver, committed two patch to my github. https://github.com/Vonger/openwrt-chaoscalmer (clone and checkout VoCore2, update feeds, then it will be ready to compile.) PS: I planed to reuse exists dma/i2s code for mt7620/mt7621, but none of them are real compatible with mt7628… 🙁 It is really hard work […]

VoCore2: Beta Open NOW!!

VoCore2 Beta open NOW!!! Thanks to all the VoCore contributors, without you VoCore is just an unknown project. In everyone’s help and support, VoCore grows up and it almost reaches its second version! Couple days ago, we reach our final target: Lower power(< 0.5watt when low data transfer), Max signal output(>19.5dbm peak), Two antennas slots, 30+ […]

VoCore2: New Features

Coming soon, this June 🙂 ## Interfaces: 1. export all GPIOs. (around 30) 2. export 3x UARTs. 3. export 1x I2C. 4. export 1x I2S. 5. export 1x reference clock. 6. export 1x USB 2.0. 7. export 1x PCIe 1.1 8. export 1x high speed SPI (max to 40Mbps) 9. export 2x antenna (UL.F) for […]

VoCore2: UART2 for openwrt

Now uboot part works, we need to make openwrt serial also output to UART2. PS: weird issue, I find /dev/mem gone…is Linux 4.4.6 removed it? My code based on trunk@49094. It is a develop openwrt version also contains many bugs. 🙂 If my code works please help me commit to openwrt. If we do not […]

VoCore2: UART2 for uBoot

New VoCore2 small size blocked UART0 and UART1, so I have to use UART2 for debug. From datasheet, we have two plans for UART2: The only valid plan for VoCore2 is SPIS_MODE. Default uboot is using UART0 as default console port, we must change it. MTK uboot source code already have it, we just need […]

VoCore: Dock2 Firmware

This is the first version of the firmware This firmware is only for dock2(with WM8960 chip at bottom) Download at http://vonger.cn/upload/firmware/vocore.dock2.bin Compile by yourself: 1. clone openwrt 14.07 to your linux pc or vm. git clone git://git.openwrt.org/14.07/openwrt.git 2. update VOCORE.dts, the following one is mine. /dts-v1/; /include/ “rt5350.dtsi” / { compatible = “VoCore”, “ralink,rt5350-soc”; model […]

VoCore & Camera: 2015.7.30

Recently we are busy on new VoCore, I call it VoCore2, it has greatly improved in lower power consume, lower heat, faster cpu speed, more ram, even has two antennas are able to work same time in different channel(maybe perfect for mesh net? :p) and many other new features such as SDXC support, hardware PWM, […]

Whatif: Replace flash by GD5F1GQ4UAYIG?

GD5F1GQ4UAYIG is a spi nand flash(Ye, it is NAND!), it can store 4Gbit(512MB) data…Wow, this is much bigger than current NOR flash(only 16MB) Why not use this one? I will have a try 🙂 It is almost same PCB layout, can be easily replaced.

VoCore: StarterKit Breakout Board

VoCore breakout board will have such features: 1. two ethernet ports. 2. jtag port, 2.54mm pins, with 10k ohm pull up resistors. 3. gpio port, 2.54mm pins, with 4.7k ohm pull up resistors.(some for boot stripe has pull down) 4. reset button.(with 4.7k ohm pull up) 5. spi port, 2.54mm pins. 6. micro USB power […]