VoCore: OpenWrt Patch

I made it easy πŸ™‚ Most part are copied from Poray X8. Some uci config are really hard to understand, have to read code.

Patch for VoCore. I am new to make patch, not sure how to add new file to patch…hope this patch is in right format.


Two new created files:

path: openwrt/target/linux/ramips/dts/
path: openwrt/target/linux/ramips/rt305x/profiles

Then delete tmp folder under openwrt, then run make menuconfig, VOCORE will be appear there.

And to use it as a module, you’d better change “Image configuration”->”Preinit configration options” -> IP address for preinit network messages(, and Boardcast address for preinit network messages to (

Any idea about this openwrt config is welcome, I am new to that. Please leave a comment. πŸ™‚

This is better, if my way is not working, please try this. Thank you, Markus Z πŸ™‚

14 thoughts on “VoCore: OpenWrt Patch

  1. bstag

    Will test it later today and let you know. I started building this once I put in for alpha parts. :>

    1. bstag

      Patch applied fine and the compile happened. Nothing to test it on though. πŸ™‚

    2. vonger Post author

      I public the alpha version PCB, please check that πŸ™‚

  2. Noltari


    I’ve made a new patch based on yours:
    Patch: https://github.com/openwrt-es/openwrt/commit/f2b5d45f07587df303da361871788b1eb1b2c1ef.patch
    Commit: https://github.com/openwrt-es/openwrt/commit/f2b5d45f07587df303da361871788b1eb1b2c1ef

    I’ve fixed image generation, fixed flash ID according to one of your old bootlogs (it may have changed, since you are currently using another different model), fixed newtork config (with VLANs), changed uboot partition names, added ethernet portmap and provided all of it on one single patch :D.


    1. vonger Post author

      Ha πŸ™‚ Looks much better than mine. I can hardly understand that in a short time. πŸ™‚

  3. Noltari

    Which GPIO is assigned to the LED on the v1.0 board? Is it GPIO22-LED0?

    I can export that LED and make it the status/power LED in order to show boot status.
    I can also export GPIO 0 and GPIOS 22-26 from the DTS too.


    1. vonger Post author

      The LED is controlled by WLAN_LED, not a real GPIO.
      Do you know how to enable two uartlite and keep rest GPIO?

        1. Markus Zehnder

          @Noltari: Could you please post your complete VOCORE.dts file?
          I couldn’t get the gpio-export setting working.
          Build error: ‘ERROR (phandle_references): Reference to non-existent node or label “gpio”‘

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