Prepare:1. VoCore 2. 18650 battery(Li) 3. Two wires 18650 battery voltage should be higher than 3.60V.
Step 1: Connect the wire to VoCore.
Step 2: Connect the wire to battery
Step 3: It works
Step 4: Wait about 30 second, you will find VoCore in your wifi AP list. Connect to it.
Step 5: ssh root@, password: vocore Now you are ready to use it.
Note: 1. VoCore need a very stable input power, or it will fail to boot. (I found when the wifi start up, the momentary current is high, about 350mA~400mA, so if the input power do not have such ability to supply, it will reboot) 2. I use tape to make GND touch the battery negative pole, that is not a good idea, just temp solution, better to use a battery holder, and solder wire to it, to make sure it is well connected.
Couldn’t stop smiling when I saw your tutorial. Tape is holding the universe together 😉
In this solution, I think the USB in docker is unable to work. There is no 5V. Am I right?