VoCore2: Boot from memory/USB

Sometimes we need to do some test fast, or test new system like ECOS, so maybe boot from flash is not a good idea, it is slow to write and load. Then maybe good idea is boot from memory. First, enable ramdisk from openwrt menuconfig, this is default enabled normally. If not, it is at […]

VoCore2: OpenWrt 19.07.3 Firmware

Now official OpenWrt 19.07.3 firmware released. Link: http://vonger.cn/misc/vocore2/20200811.19073.bin (For VoCore2) Link: http://vonger.cn/misc/vocore2/20200812.19073.bin (For VoCore2 Ultimate) Different is VoCore2 Ultimate has embed SD card driver, for VoCore2 do not have SD card slot, it will show a lot of junk message to the system log. Embed software: LuCI mem (for /dev/mem access) Support interface: SD Card […]

VoCore2: About Pin Share

Pin share or I call it pinmux, it is a common feature of most MCU chips. Normally a pin we can use it as GPIO or some special functions. In picture, the orange number is each pins GPIO number. And in the color block, there is its special function. Here is a table from vocore.io/v2.html, […]

VoCore2: boost boot speed

30 seconds to start wifi, it is a long time for some situation. Why does it take so long time to boost. Let’s check! Now, prepare a firmware, better compile from source code, so we can easily cut off kernel of Linux. I am using 20190914.bin firmware. First try, remove all boot up module from […]

VoCore2: Reset to firstboot by uboot

Currently VoCore2 do not have reset button, so some beginners are hard to reset the firmware once it is bricked by wrong setting… This new patch of uboot is used to solve that, it is much easier than upload firmware from serial port, but maybe still hard for beginner. If you want to have a […]

VoCore2: PWM control motor

VoCore2 has four PWM port, so with GPIOs, we can drive up to four motors or two stepper motors. The picture shows the four ports. To use PWM2, PWM3, we need switch this pin group from “uart2” to “pwm”, I have added this to github vocore2 patch. PS: I use uart2 as console port, but […]

VoCore2: USB Device Develop

Such a simple code but get mistake… My source code is as simple as usual …in fbusb_probe for a new usb device… u8 buf[6] = {0x00, 0x2c, 0x00, 0xb8, 0x0b, 0x00}; usb_control_msg(par->udev, usb_sndctrlpipe(par->udev, 0), 0xb0, USB_DIR_OUT | USB_TYPE_VENDOR | USB_RECIP_DEVICE, 0, 0, buf, 6, 100); … every parameter should be normal, but once the code […]

VoCore Screen: Update with Raspberry Pi

I have updated the screen SDK and ADD RASPBERRY PI support, it is in SDK named lib/raspi/libvodisp.so Like all other linux system, raspberry pi must use root to send data through USB…my raspberryPi is very slow(maybe it is because its index is zero, power consume is pretty high…1 watt+ 🙂 Currently SDK already has base […]

VoCore2: Fix microSD randomly umount issue

The day before yesterday I released a firmware fixed the microSD randomly umount issue. Now let me explain how it works. (Lastest Firmware: Link) People report this issue: they find the following log in console when they trying to using microSD. [ 112.750000] msdc-1 -> cmd card power PID<kworker/u2:1> [ 112.750000] msdc-1 -> cmd card […]

Fix Totally bricked VoCore2 by another VoCore2

Finally I have a chance to write this tutorial. I want use this blog to show you a simple way to fix a totally bricked VoCore2 or uboot dead VoCore2. This is the principle, we are using a SPI flash, so we should fix it using SPI interface. wire 5 is important, that keep bricked vocore2 […]