VoCore2: FAQ

1. In the feature list there is a PCIe 1.1, is that real? How to connect to it?

Ye, there is. For VoCore2 standard version there is a hidden interface PCIe1.1. MTK design it for connect to WiFi 5G chips. But for us, we can use it for many interesting projects.

It has eight pins, CLK+, CLK-, RX+, RX-, TX+, TX-, RST, GND.

PS: This is a professional high-speed interface , can not export like other interface, I did not have plan for it yet, so I hide it. OpenWrt do not have driver support it yet, but MTK SDK has its driver source code.

It is at right-top corner of VoCore2.



2. Is it able to power by Li-Battery?

This is a hard question. Our power(5.0VI) support from 3.6V to 6.0V input. Battery output is about 3.7V~4.2V, so the answer is yes. Suggest to use a power bank for stable current.