VoCore2: OpenWrt 23.05

It is pretty straight to use OpenWrt 23.05. It works very smoothly. If you do not need to customize such as default IP, WiFi default enable, almost do not need to patch anything.

  • WiFi — works normal, 72Mbps for one antenna.
  • Ethernet — works normal, 100Mbps.
  • USB 2.0 — works normal.
  • SD card — works normal, need to patch dts.
  • Sound — need to check.

note: patch sdcard, add the following code to end of mt7628an_vocore2.dts

&sdhci {
        status = "okay";

PS: download feeds is very slow for openwrt, maybe it is because its source code do not add –depth 1. Patch ./scripts/feeds:157, add depth 1 to init_commit, after that, feed update speed increase 10 times. Or directly download from openwrt feeds, then move to openwrt/feeds folder then call ./script/feeds install -a