Beginner: OpenWrt 18.06 stable version 3

OK, now install luci for noobs 🙂

install LuCI for openwrt.

./scripts/feeds update luci
./scripts/feeds install -a -p luci

note: if you download speed is slow from, you can modify ./feeds.conf.default, change its ‘’ to ‘’, then do it feeds update/install again, github should be much faster.

After this we have LuCI, as usual, patch it…
patch is at ./feeds/vocore2/mt7628/openwrt/luci/010-luci-vocore2-compatible.patch

note: this patch is to enable LuCI setting WPA2 for wireless.

This is for latest LuCI, so do not compatible with 18.06, need a little change, because some people change the folder name from luci-mod-admin-full to luci-mod-network. So we just change luci-mod-network in the patch back to luci-mod-admin-full.

After the change, now we can patch it, run patch in openwrt folder.

patch -p1 < ./package/kernel/mt7628/openwrt/luci/*.patch

Now make menuconfig, select LuCI -> Collections -> luci
Then compile, you will get firmware at ./bin/targets/ramips/mt76x8/openwrt-ramips-mt76x8-vocore2-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin