VoCore2: UI Library 4

I want to make the display support SDL so we can play a lot of games and make app based on SDL2.

PS: I love DOS games 🙂

SDL2 supports directFB which is not maintained anymore.
So I am consider to write a video driver for my display.

In SDL source code, SDL_DirectFB_video.c, we can get every interface:

    /* Set the function pointers */
    device->VideoInit = DirectFB_VideoInit;
    device->VideoQuit = DirectFB_VideoQuit;
    device->GetDisplayModes = DirectFB_GetDisplayModes;
    device->SetDisplayMode = DirectFB_SetDisplayMode;
    device->PumpEvents = DirectFB_PumpEventsWindow;
    device->CreateSDLWindow = DirectFB_CreateWindow;
    device->CreateSDLWindowFrom = DirectFB_CreateWindowFrom;
    device->SetWindowTitle = DirectFB_SetWindowTitle;
    device->SetWindowIcon = DirectFB_SetWindowIcon;
    device->SetWindowPosition = DirectFB_SetWindowPosition;
    device->SetWindowSize = DirectFB_SetWindowSize;
    device->SetWindowOpacity = DirectFB_SetWindowOpacity;
    device->ShowWindow = DirectFB_ShowWindow;
    device->HideWindow = DirectFB_HideWindow;
    device->RaiseWindow = DirectFB_RaiseWindow;
    device->MaximizeWindow = DirectFB_MaximizeWindow;
    device->MinimizeWindow = DirectFB_MinimizeWindow;
    device->RestoreWindow = DirectFB_RestoreWindow;
    device->SetWindowGrab = DirectFB_SetWindowGrab;
    device->DestroyWindow = DirectFB_DestroyWindow;
    device->GetWindowWMInfo = DirectFB_GetWindowWMInfo;

    /* !!! FIXME: implement SetWindowBordered */

    device->GL_LoadLibrary = DirectFB_GL_LoadLibrary;
    device->GL_GetProcAddress = DirectFB_GL_GetProcAddress;
    device->GL_MakeCurrent = DirectFB_GL_MakeCurrent;

    device->GL_CreateContext = DirectFB_GL_CreateContext;
    device->GL_SetSwapInterval = DirectFB_GL_SetSwapInterval;
    device->GL_GetSwapInterval = DirectFB_GL_GetSwapInterval;
    device->GL_SwapWindow = DirectFB_GL_SwapWindow;
    device->GL_DeleteContext = DirectFB_GL_DeleteContext;


    /* Shaped window support */
    device->shape_driver.CreateShaper = DirectFB_CreateShaper;
    device->shape_driver.SetWindowShape = DirectFB_SetWindowShape;
    device->shape_driver.ResizeWindowShape = DirectFB_ResizeWindowShape;

    device->free = DirectFB_DeleteDevice;

Of course, I do not think VoCore2 can run OpenGL, because it do not have any video hardware, ignore that.

PS: mesa3d has a software mode but it must be very slow. 🙂

To be simple, we do not need shaped window support either…

OK, rest interfaces for windows look like necessary, every video driver has them.
So they are VideoInit/Quit, Get/SetDisplayModes, CreateSDLWindow/From, SetWindowTitle/Icon/Position/Size, Show/Hide/Raise/Maximize/Minimize/Restore/DestroyWindow.

But it still need to code a lot…
I find most of the interfaces are empty in its psp video driver, maybe there is a way to make everything simple.

Any good idea?