Daily Archives: 2021-09-07

Screen: Unique ID

In order to indicate every vocore screen connect to the computer, we have two ways:

  1. use USB physics port, but once screen unplug and plug to other USB port, this id will change.
  2. save a unique id into firmware, so every time we can read it from firmware, it will not change.

The second way maybe better for indicate different screens, so for new screens, we will have a unique id store into flash. ID takes 8byte, like B8D8-C876-CC123456, it is alloced in factory production process.

For old driver board do not have unique id, we need to write a unique id to it.

I write a simple tool to read and write unique id from driver board. Download link http://vonger.cn/misc/screen/screen_uid.20210907.zip

It has source code inside. For Linux and MacOS, please call gcc screen_uid.c -o screen_uid -lusb-1.0 to get the executable application.

Run screen_uid.exe, it will show the screen it detected.

Find screen at USB physics port 3
1: Type: 4inch, 480x800x16, TOSHIBA-2122
id: 0000-0000-00000000

choose a screen by index to set random id(1~1, other cancel): 

PS: if no id in the firmware, id part will be 0000-0000-00000000 or ffff-ffff-ffffffff

Input id 1 to modify first screen in the list, then a random id will write to it.

After that we have alloc a new random id to the screen.

Find screen at USB physics port 3
1: Type: 4inch, 480x800x16, TOSHIBA-2122
id: ef00-4900-f1aede55

Next time run, we will find it has a new id, and if you do not want to modify it, directly press return/enter button to quit the write id process.