VoCore2: Connect to SPI Screen 4

Now the LCD works 🙂 I change CPOL/CHPA from mode 0 to mode 3, that SPI wave shape is correct now. Also finish a simple app to drive the TFT, refresh full screen from red/green/blue pixel by pixel. Download source code here: tft.c From my test, the LCD screen max speed is around 3.8MHz (speed=49), can not […]

VoCore2: Connect to SPI Screen 3

Arrrr!!!! Last day after updated Eagle, I find it is now need to pay monthly…I know this six months delayed. 😅 Stupid autodesk. Thanks God, there is an opensource toolkit named KiCAD. I spend two days to study KiCAD, now EAGLE has moved into trash. Now continue my adventure. This time I will show you […]

VoCore2: Connect to SPI Screen 2

I am lucky, the screen backlight is not damaged by my mistake. 😂 1. connect the super tiny driver board to the screen.   2. power it up with 3.3V. The LCD backlight power consume is 5V 100mA, 0.5w, pretty much. I think that’s why the media always says the screen is one of the most […]

VoCore2: Connect to SPI Screen 2

Emm, actually I have made the board at Tuesday, but I get wrong part…😂 My stupid mistake: I plan to use MP3202DJ to powerup the WLED, then I find SY7200AABC have better parameters and price is lower, but forget check its output voltage is 30V and feedback voltage is also double, which is exceed my output cap […]

VoCore2: Connect to SPI Screen

Last week I find a SPI screen(480×320+262K Color) in the dust, guess it’s time to make it work 🙂 First of all, read read and read. Actually I can not find much useful information from the lcd datasheet. The two tables should be enough. LCD have three parts: a driver chip, which is ILI9488; a […]

VoCore Screen: Update with Raspberry Pi

I have updated the screen SDK and ADD RASPBERRY PI support, it is in SDK named lib/raspi/libvodisp.so Like all other linux system, raspberry pi must use root to send data through USB…my raspberryPi is very slow(maybe it is because its index is zero, power consume is pretty high…1 watt+ 🙂 Currently SDK already has base […]