VoCore2 Screen Part9

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PT_6n-tnek[/embedyt]

mirror part of the display for windows, macos, linux.

3 thoughts on “VoCore2 Screen Part9

  1. rkk

    Hi Vonger,
    Can you make a LEDE image with the propietary MT7628 driver that works on Vocore 2 Lite? (The image from here: http://vonger.cn/?p=14366 doesn’t work on Vocore 2 Lite, only on normal Vocore 2).
    I tried to install the MT7628 driver you compiled manually, but it gives Kernel Panic.

    Could you make a lede-ramips-mt76x8-vocore2-squashfs-sysupgrade image that works on Vocore 2 Lite?

    1. vonger Post author

      This driver work for LEDE Linux 4.9, if same kernel, it should work. What LEDE kernel version you are using?

    2. vonger Post author

      And install mt7628.ko you will also need put mt7628.dat into /etc/wirelewss/mt7628 folder, it is an important setting up file for mt7628.ko. I guess kernel panic is because of that.

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