VoCore is priceless for me.

Finally VoCore v0.3 PCB comes to my home today. Now there is no jump wire anymore.

So happy, now I have a board that I have full control on it.

I have a raspberrypi, I can not full control it and I have to buy a 30USD camera, that is expensive. I want to DIY one, but camera interface is not opened. I really hate that, I just want to control every corner of my own board. That is one important motivation for me to make VoCore. I think if you want every one to use it for study or learn programming, it is better to open them all.

But for my module, in my further plan, I will make a camera based on OV2640 or OV3660 which supply JPEG format output, the camera price will be under 10USD.

Next version should be the final version, v0.4, in that version I will use “Semi-hole technology”(searched from google, in Chinese it should be 半孔工艺) to make the board smaller. Now its size is 27mm x 27mm, a little bigger than 1RMB coin(25mm). Next version it will be 24mm x 25mm with a on board Ceramic Antenna, but I am not sure about that, I need to test on 0.3 first to make sure ceramic antenna works well on my side.

After wifi test/GPIO test and other test is done from my side, I will make about 100p, and try to sell it at 10USD on taobao/ebay. Hopefully then more people will help me develop it and make this one better or even smaller. Software and hardware will be all open forever. 🙂

This module, in some situation, it is better than arduino for study embed.