14 thoughts on “VoCore v1.0 Dock SCH & Layout

  1. j3qq4hch

    Hi! Its awesome! But how about the vocore itself? Will you share its latest files? Or even will you share the whole project? It would be much simpler to embed Vocore in many different things if we had your eagle source…

    1. vonger Post author

      Ye, will be public once the first batch released.
      And do you know any software could convert PADS to eagle? That SDK is in PADS format.

      1. j3qq4hch

        I doubt that such a tool exists. Release it in PADS… why not. I may try to convert it manually to Eagle.

    1. j3qq4hch

      Wow! That’s a big chip… Please upload it somewhere. I would love to see this part

      1. atomsoft

        you can find it on my site: atomsofttech.com/download/rt5350.lbr

      2. atomsoft

        Cant post links:

        atomsofttech [dot] com [slash] download [slash] rt5350.lbr

    2. j3qq4hch

      Wow! That’s a big chip… Please upload it somewhere. I would love to see this part

  2. atomsoft

    Can you please upload the PADS file, Your PDF does not make ANY SENSE 🙂 Whats PL05 ? Pin Left #5? Cant be since thats G#06. yet its called 1.8v on your image of the vocore. So im lost and can not create a dock.

    If you upload the PADS ill convert to altium and then try to convert to Eagle if possible.

    1. vonger Post author

      No problem, it will publish once the first batch shipped

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