Daily Archives: 2020-06-11

Submit patch for OpenWrt on Github

Git is good, but for beginner like me, always feeling no way to give the first bite. I am confused about fork, branch, signed-off-by, push, merge and many other commands, maybe it is pretty clear for the clever boys but not for me. Thanks to adrianschmutzler comment at https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/pull/3022, I start to understand how it works.


  1. click the “Fork” button on github.com/openwrt/openwrt
  2. goto your forked openwrt, click on “Clone or download”, get the address and clone to your local.
  3. make the change on your local source code.
  4. setup your name and email on your local by command git config –global user.email xxxx@xxxxx.xxx and git config –global user.name “your name”
  5. submit your change by command “git commit -s“, remember to keep that Signed-off-By line and add the reason of the changes to comment.
  6. push the commit by command “git push origin
  7. finally, go to github, create a merge request.

Signed-Off-By is just a text line in the comment to tell other who submit that patch, I am confused about that a long time, I thought it is added by some magic :p

PS: In old good time I only use git init, git commit and git clone. Now good new day comes.