Daily Archives: 2018-04-19

VoCore2: Port mt7628.ko to Linux4.14

Yes, I have successfully port mt7628.ko to latest openwrt based on Linux 4.14.

Here is the firmware: http://vonger.cn/misc/vocore2/20180419.bin

md5: 547fba4379e61fefb145cef2e1c30609

This firmware can not working with uci system yet…

PS: I am still study UCI…

But I write a simple replace.
It is a cgi-bin app, can run in /www/cgi-bin or directly run in console command line.

if you want to use it as webserver, just run in your browser.

if you want to use it as command, just run uictx “f=sta_disconnect” in command line.


### ap_set_ssid

– used to set current ap ssid name.
– usage: ap_set_ssid [ssid]
– example:

### ap_set_password

– used to set current ap ssid password.
– usage: ap_set_password [password]
– example:

## Scan API

### ap_scan

– get nearby ssid, bssid, and signal strength.
– usage: ap_scan
– example:
– return: {“status”:”success”, “message”:””, “ssid1″:”KB86”, “bssid1″:”30:b4:9e:a6:99:bb”, “signal1″:”99”, “ssid2″:””, “bssid2″:”28:6c:07:cc:e7:46”, “signal2″:”18”, “ssid3″:”CX-8888”, “bssid3″:”30:c8:9e:aa:e6:2f”, “signal3″:”57”}

## Station Mode API

### sta_connect

– connect to nearby access point as client device. if everything is correct, it will alloc a ip for apcli0. MUST call ap_scan before sta_connect.
– usage:
– normal ap: sta_connect [ssid] [password]
– hidden ap: sta_connect “” [password] [bssid]
– example1:

note: in the example, “MY ROUTE” has a space, it needs to convert into url format.

– example2:

### sta_disconnect

– disconnect from connected access point, you will immediatily disconnect from your router and vocore will back to ap mode.
– usage: sta_disconnect
– example:

Source code I will upload to github soon.


PS: do not forget setting up the network first.

uci add_list firewall.@zone[1].network="wwan"
uci set network.wan=interface
uci set network.wan.ifname=eth0.2
uci set network.wan.force_link=1
uci set network.wan.proto=dhcp
uci set network.wwan=interface
uci set network.wwan.ifname=apcli0
uci set network.wwan.proto=dhcp
uci commit