VoCore Passed 72 Hours Test

From Apr.15~Apr.18, I kept it run “top” on the board and every 5 minutes my script sent one test.bin file(about 2MB) to board /tmp/ folder through wifi.
Now after 72 hours, its free memory is 6.5MB compared to 9.9MB at startup. Its temperature is about 65C at end(house about 24C) without heat sink. Looks good for me. 🙂

2 thoughts on “VoCore Passed 72 Hours Test

  1. sittisaks

    Wow!!! I just found your blog and have read from start to the end. It is very impressive work. It is not only the smallest board but probably the only board that brought out all the GPIO pins.

    1. vonger Post author

      Thank you for your reply 🙂 I just make it as an artwork but not only a module.

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