Daily Archives: 2019-12-06

VoCore2: kermit upload tool

I wrote a simple tool to update vocore2 firmware or uboot through serial port, now upload to github.
This tool might still have bugs…use carefully, I only tested it with VoCore2 uboot. 🙂

Usage is very simple:

1. use usb2ttl connect to your vocore2 uart2(TXD2/RXD2)
2. reboot vocore2 (or power up it), it will show a list of uboot.
3. press ‘0’, call uboot upgrade firmware.
4. once VoCore2 uboot console shows “## Ready for binary (kermit) download to 0x80100000 at 115200 bps…”, close console. then use this tool, call “nkermit [your port] [file]”
The port is the TTY port, for example, in windows, it is COM1, COM2, COM4 etc…in macos it is /dev/tty.xxxxxxxxx. File is the file you want to upload, normally VoCore2 upgrade firmware file is named by date, like 20191127.bin.

github link: https://github.com/vonger/nkermit